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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, Raliv, long term question;

Are there going to be multiplayer options in the future? Perhaps similar to KoboldKare? I seriously don't expect it in the short term but end-goal, that would be amazing! 

Oh and controller support? I've been playing this mapped out on my xbox one controler via a program called xpadder and the controls thus far fit well, especially with the radial menus.


This has been built as a single player game, and there are currently no plans to add multiplayer.
Controller support would be really good, but it will likely not be soon. Inventory management will need some significant effort.

I think multiplayer, even co-op will be very interesting, especially if you'll add bosses. Also I think it'll be cool too see hub more alive.

I tried to make co-op game time ago and that was damn awful try. I believe you should finish the singleplayer first and start making online features AT THE END of developing. I think it'll be the right way...