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A member registered Oct 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Not for the may 3rd update, but yes that is planned.

The update will be coming out may 3rd

Haha, its a play on the word archipelago (a group of islands) and gates (the portals).

If you have the Itch app it will just auto update like steam does! I will also update the page here with patch notes. It updates pretty silently though, so I am not sure what the best way to announce updates is..

I will definitely announce on Twitter and update the page here though!

NPCs are too quick to get angry right now, I'll be dialing that back in an update. More emotes are planned too. I like the idea of randomly chosen variants!

There is not really a mechanism for that to my knowledge.. But I understand your point. I'll consider opening a portion of the discord in the future.

There is currently a bug where any one save file that is corrupted will cause no saves to load. It is fixed in the upcoming patch, but for now try moving your saves out of the directory and adding them back one by one to find the corrupted save. Sorry that's a pain, but it will be patched soon.

The issue described has been fixed

This is fixed in the next update!

Yea you got it. Bug fixes and progression are the first updates planned.

I would LOVE to do some kink encounters later though.

No android port is planned, sorry

Shale has a lot of responsibility to deal with, but he could definitely use some love too. I definitely want to add more content with him.

I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do for bug reports and content requests, but I appreciate this for now! Thanks!

Multiplayer is outside the scope of this game unfortunately. I love multiplayer games and would love to build one someday, but they are very challenging to develop.

Thank you for taking the time to write this up! This is a really good overview of the rough spots in the current version, and it makes for a great addition to my references while I plan updates.

Some of the weirder things you point out (3 weapon slots, non scaling enchantments) are artifacts of system changes that happened before launch. I agree they need to be addressed. They just hadn't made it to the top of the priority list yet.


No, this game will not be on steam, sorry

Unfortunately the game relies heavily on my animation tech and it taxes CPUs a bit. I can still do a pass to allow things like disabling animations or jiggle physics in the distance that could help, but it will take a bit of time.

Oh nice, yea those should be pretty straightforward to make adjustable. Thanks!

Oh my god you have no idea how long "add bellybutton" has been getting pushed down the priority on the to do list.. Consider it bumped up.

I am working full time on this, so although it is difficult to commit to a specific update frequency, I will be going hard on it.

I don't know about next update, but more options are coming. Is there any particular preference you would like to see?

Updates will be free

Glad to hear it! I will try to keep this in mind in the future too.

This sounds like an aggressive anti virus maybe? I can't imagine what else would remove the game

I am unable to release this game on steam. I apologize for the inconvenience this no doubt causes.

Dying clothing is just barely implemented, but works! Get some dye from a merchant box (there is one in town), and put it and the clothing item into a dying station (can be found in structures in the wild rarely)

I'll investigate this.. it might be a bug that needs squashing. Thanks for letting me know.

Whoa!! Those are some really fun ideas!

(1 edit)

Thank you!

Now that most of the technical systems are in a good place, I am excited to focus on content like you describe.

This can happen rarely, if it does, restarting the game will fix it. You won't lose anything.

Ha! Not exactly intentional. He will likely get upgraded AI in the future that will know not to fall for that trick.

Unfortunately I do not have that option. This game will not be available on Steam.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'm glad you found it here. Please know I am doing the best I can.

Not yet, but that's a great idea!

No dlc for this game, the plan is to finish the game as free updates to the early access game.

Yes. I made character creation as open as I could.

No. It is only available through Itch and Patreon.

Unfortunately not, but the game is still early access! I will do my best to add more media to give you a better idea of what the game contains as the game moves toward completion

I made a detailed announcement on twitter, but the short version is that it was removed permanently. I apologize for the inconvenience.

We will still be patching bugs.