Hi devs, love the game. Looking forward to more (of both this and Prowler)!
I have a lore question (or two) and a future-content question.
Lore question: What exactly are the lekta (the auxiliary commander's race)?
I had thought of him as another dragon, with the "tokadi" (Grove and most-to-all of the other characters) and "lekta" (the auxiliary commander's people) essentially being different ethnicities of dragon. But he refers to himself as a different species, and having different anatomy.
(Related: Are the bandits dragons as well, or some other race such as lizards? They don't have horns, whereas all the other dragons--and the lekta--do....).
Future-content question (possibly related to the aforementioned "different anatomy"): Do you have any plans for consensual sexytimes for Grove?