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Oh. So in that case I beat it? I thought I had to open "His" gate. So there are only two endings?

(1 edit)

The end scrawl you get at the end depends on:


-If you turned off the machine in the tunnel

-How you deal with Marcus on the way out

Congrats on beating the game! Thanks so much for playing.

(1 edit)

Oh, okay. Then I beat it. All 4(?) variations. I really enjoyed it.


There are a couple of bugs/oversights. After dealing with Marcus and leaving the final room the door doesn't work and you have to walk into the corner just above it to leave the room and you can climb the shelf the Onyx Key was on after taking the key. Neither are game breaking so they aren't a big deal imo.

But I really enjoyed it. I'll be looking forward to whatever you release next.

PS - Were the Harvard phrases just there for vibes or are the interwoven into the narrative?


Thanks for letting me know! Glad you enjoyed it.

The HP were randomly generated, I did do my best to assign phrases that could be interpreted or alluded to themes in the story - but they weren't meant to be narrative foreshadowing (directly).