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(!SPOILERS, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED THE GAME!) I don't even know where to start besides saying this is possibly the most impactful game I've ever played on Itch. Really loved the use of AI to make surreal art that set the ambiance, the soundtrack also does a beautiful job. 

The thought of an afterlife that is not heaven or hell but rather a place where you are left with nothing but your own thoughts is such an interesting concept. 

All these paintings were sad but realistic: Convincing a woman with Alzheimer's that her husband was just an abuser, telling a child he was murdered by his dad and likely won't see his mom again, and deciding wether to end the misery of a previous cold-blooded soldier or to leave him there. 

When I found out the second painting was a child I almost bawled my eyes out after remembering he said "Please...come rescue me". 

Seriously, loved your game and I'm glad to see people in the comments also appreciate your awesome work.

I'm touched by your thoughtful comment :) it's words like this that inspire me to keep making games!