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I can definitely do this! The problem is... it's hard to find someone who uses Linux, you know. In this case, I know it will work if I build for Android or Linux. The downside is... before building for Linux, I need to set up Unity to convert all the files for Linux build (I need to duplicate the folder), and for Android, I need to implement functional control for the Android screen (every time I make a new version) - I'm even thinking of converting all the controls to Unity's new system so that the game is compatible with both joystick and Android on the go.

(1 edit)

Yes! Thats what i meant about discord with testers in it! Im pretty sure with big fanbase this game has, there should be some people who willing to volunteer for testing for Linux. Also i like the idea about controls, since gamepad/joystick were sometimes annoying (Shoot and interact especially). But its up to you to decide if thats good idea or not. I just can give suggestions as a player (At least thats how i think that should work lol)