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WOW, the art style, colour palette, and general theme of the game is just stunning. It's hard to believe you got all this done in one weekend! I think with more work this could become a game that people would buy!

Small feedback on the controls. Up/down and then left/right should switch to left of right. This is the behaviour with left/right and then up/down already so I presume they're just hard coded like that. Also it would be nice if the x in the corner of the phone collection menu closed the screen rather than having to right click.

Overall though congratulations on an amazing submission!

PS: I think I got stuck inside the cashiers! I couldn't escape


Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing it
Can you explain the left/right and up/down I did not really get it sorry 

For example, when using a keyboard, holding up and then also holding right continues moving up. Right should overwrite up in this situation I think!

I see thanks a lot! I will put it in the after jam update!