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Oh no well thanks for making a game that does not revolve around walking around and trying to hard to be scary games like yours offer a more addictive replay experience you know.

If you tried my game, how did you feel? I'm happy to listen to comments and use them to improve in future games.


Game felt alright i mean i did not encounter any bugs or game breaking glitches the goal of the game is simple and easy to understand and by the way thank you for adding combat in your games rarely do i find a horror game with combat alot of people avoid that because it makes the game less scary but with combat it gives the player an addictive replay value you know what i mean

And one more thing when will you put the game for free because  the price really does not feel right when all one person is getting  is 5-10 minutes of gameplay like 2$ dollars seriously oh and one more thing will you also have 1940 for free as well?