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Been playing a couple hours now, so far really enjoying. The world concept though feels weird. Like, if I understand correctly, that there can be no consentual relationships between different species. One would always tame the other? Maybe it's not quite like that and I'll know more later. 

I do really like the subtle changes from character choices. Some less subtle but still lead to the same outcome, at least so far. Are there choices that make big impacts as well? Changing the entire outcome or direction of the story?

Anyway, thanks and keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing where this goes. ^^

Not exactly. Yes one would always end up tamed, but that doesn't have much of a 'control' effect other than sharing strength and feelings, someone tamed can no problem disobey or just leave. (you'll understand more later in the story)

There are no HUGE choices, I like the player to experience as much as possible without having to replay or keep worrying about saving on every choice, but there are choices that affect what scenes you see, variations, and some girls being optional.

Thank you, I appreciate the nice comment!