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Thank you so so much! It's crazy how you were able to tell the art style, seeing as that they're pretty much different. Maybe it's the way I draw characters or face? Or maybe it's the colours?

honnestly it's with the MC and the characters that make me in the way ^^ cause if you """compare""" the two game you see a resemblance between the chara disign on the  MC ^^ 

(2 edits)

Haha, so fair. I thank you again though and I do hope you enjoy Sugar Service. It's what I wished ATU was if I had all the years of gamedev experience and better project planning from the start.

i have started it and i like it ^^ but if i can make a little ""update"" it's for the item on the date battle.... i kinda understand we use it before play cause it's mostly random but sometime it could be good to play it after to ""update"" the outcome of the duel ^^ and... can we have a small description on the weather and what they do on date? Cause when we play and saw rain with one ""dot"" we need to take/ give damage to know it make x more damage on the color

That's actually an interesting proposition that I did think about when implementing consumables but have not really discussed it anywhere online. The reason I have it on BEFORE the results was for 2 reasons; 1. Because how the code flow works, it was easier to implement it that way. And 2, I liked the idea of the player having to take a risk using a consumable as it isn't a 100% guarantee.

They're meant to be used to swing a possible disadvantage into an advantage. During my tests, the excitement is a lot greater with a successful consumable BECAUSE of the risk, a mini-gamble thrill. Compared to if you use a consumable AFTER you know the result, it feels more like a quick-fix cheatcode to get the upper hand, you dont get any excitement from using it which I don't really find interesting.Also it requires the player to make use of the Ultra Sense system to help determine whether to use a certain consumable or not, they go hand-in-hand in the gameplay. 

Because worse case scenario for using a consumable BEFORE the result is that you win the round, which isn't a loss to the player at all, except that you are down 1 consumable that is meant to be used because you'd otherwise be disadvantaged. Maybe that would be the main issue? That "wasting" consumables feels to great a punishment. 

Maybe the fix would be to increase consumable drop rates so "wasting" consumable doesnt feel as bad? I don't really want players to buy them because of their OP nature, stocking up on them and having a near unlimited amount can hurt the overall card game experience that I'm going for. It's a bit hard to find a good balance for that since every player plays it differently. Does that make sense? I'm just tryna explain the game-design thought process. 

Also yeah, I'll have a little description somewhere, probably at the start of the match, it'll say '+1 Rock' and then fade to just a simple '+' after 5 seconds. So at a quick glance it's straightforward but doesnt take up space on the screen.

Thank you so much for the feedback and improvement suggestions!

sure i didn't mean to say it bad ^^" it was just my point of view with my experience of card games.... but yeah having the mini gamble for the consumable is good cause you never know if you will win or not the round ^^ 

And i understand the thing to put it before playing ^^ cause yeah it could be like cheating if we use it after ^^ 

I think the drop rate for the items is good even if i feel the gum is a more rare consumable cause it didn't drop as often as the other two... (or maybe i have bad luck 😂😂😂😂 it's also a possibility)

Anyway keep making awsome games and i will look forward for the update to both game 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Take care of you and don't overdo it if you don't feel well etc...

Thank you for the kind words man! Take care yourself and hope to hear more feedback from you in the future ^^