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Beautiful and enjoyable!

I do wish that manually entering words could trigger correct responses (don't wanna give any spoilers, but I'd correctly surmised one of the trigger words and of course it didn't activate until it was revealed on the notepad), but I suppose that's a pretty big ask for this type of format.

Still, the art style is gorgeous, the story is compelling, and the characters are interesting.

Highly recommend!


it isn't a big ask actually haha, the entered word checks the wordlist, I added an extra check specifically to make sure you have the word available first. bit e.g  if you guessed Candle you could skip half the game and be completely oblivious to the story. Truck as well if you guessed early you would not be aware what happened to Dylan (and Tamsin wouldn't reach her final dialogue since you'd miss a vital clue). Just a design choice to make sure people get all of the story haha, I know the feeling - in Phoenix Wright I often guessed the solution early but the evidence was not presentable yet


You're right - that's totally fair!  It would have caused me to miss other things and so I'm glad I didn't.  ^_^