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I Can't upload project WebGL

A topic by KillQ created 31 days ago Views: 163 Replies: 2
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I apologize if I posted in the wrong category. I've been encountering this issue for several days. I've been trying to export from Unity to WebGL, following various methods as instructed on YouTube, but I haven't been successful. Could you please provide guidance on how to fix this?

It shows this message every time.

"Unable to load file Build/[GameName]! Check that the file exists on the remote server. (also check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug)"

This is an Unity issue, not an issue. Perhaps you could help on the Unity forums .,Unity%20embeds%20a%20Brotli%20decompressor%20into%20the%20build.

Did you manage to fix this? 

What Unity version are you using? Can you post a screenshot of the Unity Player Settings for WebGL?