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thank you so much for this incredibly thoughtful and detailed review. i'm humbled by the scope and breadth of your analysis and i'll do my best to reply to key points you brought up:

  • The fact that your presentation is outstanding is great, but it feels like your priorities are backwards. To me it seems that you should get a single class working without any problems before you start adding the other 10.

i believe everyone in amateur solo game development has their own approach to the problem of, "how do i make a game?" for me, i absolutely started backwards. i wanted to make my dream game from the start and didn't want to make anything else, and so i hacked a bunch of disparate systems, github repos, store assets, chatgpt scripts, and my own terrible code and into some semblance of a game, something that had all the features i wanted. soulslike 3D combat. on model clothing swapping with stats. dialogues with branching options. dynamic weather. cutscenes. physics. skill trees. etc. etc.  i've been refining and reshaping this emergent, enigmatic mess over the last two years, from samsara, to roman game, to now..... this. my point in presenting this horrid, bug-ridden prototype to demo day is that i could make all these systems functional and work in the barest way possible. now that they are all there, i must go back and refine, refine, refine, until something resembling my dream game arises from the muck.

  • If the lore presented in the game is anything to off this might be one of the most unique and unconventional fantasy worlds I have seen. Using something that unique as a base for an straightforward action game where the lore is nothing but background flavour seems like a massive waste. There are no opportunities to engage with the story. 

the lore of R. Scott Bakker is quite possibly the deepest in any fantasy series in existence. i want my game in some small way to honor its maddening complexity. at present, only the functionality of the RPG system is in place, and none of the content. in the future, the RPG content will be the real essence of the game- the combat is just the Meat of the game, but the RPG storylines will be its Soul. each class has a different starting location and storyline, with each ending in multiple endings - what is the fate of the soul of a sinner? what does it mean to become a violence-crazed killing machine that slaughters the enemy in droves, hungry for more and more power, even in the name of great righteousness? the meta-difficulty curve of the game will really lie in the player's choices.

  • graphics and UI issues

as i said in my page description, everything is placeholders. i am aware of most of these issues, and will address them in the future.

  • The loot drop system is bad. 

the loot that the sranc drop is meant to be low quality junk. the good loot is found in the chests and after killing Bashrag. i strongly agree with you though that i need a better pickup system. the diablo "press alt to highlight dropped items" is a nice feature and will, i'm sure, be a pain in the tushie to implement. but i think it will be worth it, as you say.

  • NPC and combat issues
  • Dialogue and input issues

all will be addressed in due time, i promise you.

  • The interaction prompt is weirdly coded. It shows up when you're 1-2 meters away from the thing you need to interact with but not when you're standing right next to it
  • The levers start twitching after you use them.

i believe you must have played a version before 7, the current build hopefully fixes both these small bugs.

  • Consider having them run out of some kind of tunnel or something similar

good idea. something i've been meaning to do.

  • You can still hear the outdoor sounds of rain and the horn ambiece while you are inside the Nonman's Well

that whole "level" is really nothing more than a rough test area at this point. i probably shouldn't have included it in the demo build.

  • Great work on what you're accomplished but the issues need a lot of attention. The game's scale is grand but the polish and attention to quality is not there.

thank you again for your kind words and extremely helpful and detailed feedback. i know i will be spending the next year or more addressing every one of these issues and trying to extract something wonderful from this mire of jank. it's comments like yours that inspire me to keep going and make this a proper game, so thank you again. i sincerely hope you will consider playing again in the future when so many of these issues have been ironed out. 


Yeah, I did play the version that was first submitted to Demo Day. I just jumped into that one because I already had it downloaded.

> the loot that the sranc drop is meant to be low quality junk.

That's alright, but I think the problem is more that the items have so many stats that are hard to follow that it makes it tedious to have to wonder which items are better than others. If the items dropped by Sranc are supposed to be trash then consider reducing their buffs even more. For example the Sranc helm which I assume is supposed to be a basic trash helm has a list of 10 buffs and debuffs on it which makes a player wonder if there's anything special about it, instead of making it immediately clear that it's a trash helm with almost no use value. Item tooltips seem to suffer from information bloat. Not every item needs to have a billion stats and a whole essay of information. If you keep it sparse for the unremarkable items and scale it up based on how rare the item is, it communicates better to the player which items are really worth paying attention to.

The lore snippets on the items are a great touch, but since the tooltips are badly positioned and unintuitive in the information they give it discourages the player from reading through the whole thing to even get to the flavour text. Tooltips should definitely resize with the text.

> i wanted to make my dream game from the start and didn't want to make anything else

I hope you know what you're doing. Developers like you are an inspiration because of your passion and ambition but this could easily turn out to be yet another case of dreaming too big and getting burned out from the scope. Would gladly play it again in the future as long as it keeps improving.

i should probably just have loot drop as in-world props. a sranc helm looks like a sranc helm,  arrows look like arrows and not a glowing loot bag. i tried doing this before but had tons of issues. back to the old drawing board. thanks again for the input and i'm motivated to continue to try to make something worthy of another playthrough.