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Well, I'm not going to say anything that is new for you. I barely learned dubstep genre myself and was faking it for a couple of years until I gain enough confidence to release my skills to the world to judge. I learned  everything from YouTube. Walk-throughs from people like Virtual Riot or dr. Bill were particularly helpful. One thing that is characterizes dubstep for me is that you have to cut out everything extra and just focus on one sound at each individual moment, even if that sound is very brief. But it doesn't mean you don't layer things.

I not even going to  try explain in details the process in the comment, but if you are interested, we can get in touch on discord and I can answer particular questions that you may have. 

albremen is my user name on discord. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer! These are great tips. I think that cutting out extra is a skill I still need to learn. I feel that I fall into the bad habit of thinking "more is better" sometimes, so I should start practicing that in all my music! I'm going to check out some of those resources and maybe try my hand at this genre sometime soon. I will for sure reach out if I have any other specific questions. Thank you!