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Super fun game! I always look forward to your updates. I do have aome critiques for the special fish, namely the Cajun fish, and the Golden fish.

 I find myself avoiding the Cajun fish because they turn the Golden fish and Heart fish to the cooked meat. Perhaps you would consider making it so the Golden fish don't get cooked by the flame burps? And perhaps the Heart fish box would protect the Heart fish from one flame burp, and then it breaks? 

And if you're looking for ideas around mermaid recolors, would you consider using the sprites for the Eel and Cajun fish mermaids as aquireable skins? Perhaps each fish (eel/cajun) could get a small buff from the corresponding skin. 

Anyway, thanks for all the hard work. 

That sounds good, I will probably have permanent ability unlocks. As for not cooking special fish I'll have to think about that

I was suggesting that only the golden fish couldnt be cooked. I also suggested that perhaps the heart fish boxes could protect the heart fish from being cooked just once and break when hit with the flames, releasing the heart fish. I find that at larger sizes, it's very hard to not hit the Golden fish and the Heart Fish with the Cajun flame burps.