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Hey, I ended up playing this prototype and I think you did a great job! The art direction is nice and the voice acting is cool. I do have a couple bones to pick, however.

As a suggestion mostly, if you are able too, PLEASE hide the cursor or keep it in the center and use a crosshair instead during gameplay (and switch to mouse only while in menus and stuff). It's an overall requirement for 3D games as it can be distracting and awkard to use.

While playing, I might have encountered a bug? During the part where you are meant to make Amalgama shoot one of the 3 hexagonal things, she would keep shooting the transparent red one, no matter where I would ping her to shoot. I even collected the pieces it left, yet nothing seemingly happened. Maybe I missed something, maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, I'm not sure if this is even bug (the whole game is quite surreal, maybe I just got disoriented X_X). What I do know is that I was seemingly unable to progress from this point, which marked the end of my playthough.

But overall, I'd say this is a solid prototype, and I'll be waiting to see a fully fleshed out version.

Thank you! You are still in the intro! The game doesnt yet tell you this but only the transparent things are meant to be shot. You then open your inventory and throw a firegem at the glass in the room near the water to progress. Eager to hear how it goes from there.

To get rid of the cursor, right click. Soon the cursor problem will be fixed up!