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Excellent mechanics and game design, fun overall, probably the best place to focus on improvement would be playtesting level design. It would benefit greatly from being able to scroll around the level easily (maybe I missed how to do that?) to plan where the shot should go; later levels have frequent long leaps of faith over water where a first time player has to waste strokes on exploration to learn where to go. There are also several levels heavily reliant on long series of unskippable moving spinners, arranged to make forward progress basically dependant on RNG. Both of these problems are often worsened by having traps nearby where it is very easy to lose progress by being pushed into an earlier part of the level - which can be fine or even a good challenge, but only if the player is in control of whether or not they hit them.

Hello and thank you for your feedback!

Yeah, we already know the issues largely in the prequel, basically all that you did mention have been fixed in the sequel! I hope you have fun playing the sequel as much as the prequel if not more! :)


I have it a shot! The camera in the sequel is great, but the level design still seemed to have a lot more opportunities to lose progress than waste strokes. I might give it another shot sometime though, good topdiwn minigolf games are rare.

Well we aren't exactly professional level makers, just something we do as a side hobby for fun! We do loads of playtesting and many 100% playthroughs to make sure everything is balanced and that there are no bugs. We are actually also adding a level editor in the near future! :)