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Got the itch to play some more, continued from the start of skeleton town from last time. There's more footage although I don't know if you find it useful. Had to go to the burrows to get more potions and then backtrack to finish the last part of skellytown. Stopped a bit into the armory. Some ramblings:

  • You can't look at the entire map when scrolling it with the arrow keys.
  • Buying an item, going up and down stairs - item is back in the shop.
  • Still feel like there are so many items that have int reqs, scythe 20 int :(
  • Doesn't seem like many new items drop from about burrows 2 onward, guess its not finished though. Must've seen 20 drops of enchanters helm.
  • Maps after palacamp feel a bit empty and repetitive, and the passage is so large with the same enemy clusters everywhere. 
  • New enemies in the armory are cool.
  • Can you hit faster with weapons if you swing with a slow one and swap quickly between a fast one and back? My tests were inconclusive.
  • Feels like the game gets way easier when you get into the burrows, often come out with a backpack full of pots. Probably best to go there and then skellytown most of the time.
  • Charge gets really strong when you have the mana for it, I wish the SFX and FX on hit for it were more impressive. Throwing your weapon is good too but it flies so slow and its so easy for it to get stuck that it doesn't feel worth using it often.
  • I got a pretty nasty bug with an immortal elite skeleton that couldn't be targeted right next to a golden goblin. I first encountered him in the video @27:03 and you can see me dance around him trying to use the goblin in @1:27:50. He did some crazy damage too.

>Buying an item, going up and down stairs - item is back in the shop.

good catch. i'll fix this now

>Maps after palacamp feel a bit empty and repetitive,

yeah, theyre all in varying stages of being ready. none of them really have any props so it's just walls and enemies.

>the skeleton archer

what a silly and strange error, i wonder what broke with him. i'll take a look now

>charge VFX

all the combat arts have pretty lame visuals. i really need to get on that...

thanks for the video and feedback. i'll get on this now!


Finished the remaining part too, nice with a new area. Felt like the difficulty was picking up a bit again with the warmothers doing a lot of damage. Although I hadn't bothered upgrading my equipment for a while and I was overflowing with potions. It feels kind of silly spamming the charge attack honestly, maybe it should be tied to attack speed of the weapon or something? I dunno.

No idea what spells it thinks I casted? Should be 0 I think.

congrats! you're the first person to beat the full thing this DD! truly you are outdoing yourself playing through the whole thing every time.
i'll look into the spell thing and the timer - kinda weird that the timer shows that weird format. could you send me your save file so i can poke around? healing light tracks itself as a spell, though, so you'd have at least 3.

>spamming charge

i think this was mostly due to the Afterlife Gladiator helmet buff - i sort of don't want to hamper silly builds like that too much. instead i'll look into adding an AOE-slam ability or something to give you more fun options so you don't have to rely on just one thing.

thanks again for the playing/videos. your feedback is greatly appreciated and i already spent half the morning implementing some of your suggestions.

i think this was mostly due to the Afterlife Gladiator helmet buff - i sort of don't want to hamper silly builds like that too much. instead i'll look into adding an AOE-slam ability or something to give you more fun options so you don't have to rely on just one thing.

Oh yeah that might've been it, even found two of those helmets. Sounds good.

Hadn't really planned on playing it all again, kind of just happened.

Here are the saves, one next to the immortal skelly and one at the end of the game.


Another thing is you might want to increase the brightness of the cursor in some way. I was playing with the monitor at a bit of a distance and I lost it some times because its so dark against the similarly dark background.