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(1 edit) (+1)

Charming models and art.  I'll be sure to check out your main game next time you submit to DD. Curious about the lore of your game.

Now for some critiques:

Wish the sword had just a little more range at the start.

I think you should consider turning off collisions on enemies or nerfing the frequency of how often they damage when touching the player. Once you get surrounded you barely have any time to react as the player gets ping ponged and killed.

Jumping feels too floaty and pointless. You also can't jump during hitstun so it's not very useful for escaping out of the above scenario.

Not sure if it's a bug but if the player touches the death looking guy during the intro it triggers the game over animation and kills you instantly. It's pretty funny but doesn't seem very fair to first time players.


Thanks for playing!

Collision stuff is getting worked on and likely collision will be turned off, sword attack is also getting a buff with more range.

The void cube lad does indeed kill when you get the close, this does not happen on your very run however, only from the 2nd onward.