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You read my mind and know exactly how I feel.

Fighting is pretty much in prototyping stage, gotta find a correct flow. Goblins are more aggressive due to last DDs comments of them being too easy to kill. I guess we can't have it both ways. Current level is WIP and you guessed it, extra potions were added as a last minute help to avoid being stuck before reaching other upgrades. Still, I managed to make you all stuck here and there. Item hunting is just a little extra, went all in with new system for increasing stats, but those items will be rare.

Missing NPCs and one singular way to beat it was a compromise with a lack of time and levels not being that easy to plan. That being said this particular route is designed for players roleplaying as a fighting adventurer. I envision that parts with enemies shouldn't be accessed at all by players avoiding strength and agility stat, but - once again - I want to have a special item that can scare goblins away. It's just further down the line of crossing a map and sticking to main road that can have occasional enemy, and not entering a cave that's infested with goblins. This is clearly a Fighter's Guild member that has to swing a sword here and there. Proper ending for goblin hunting quest without actually fighting them demands a city with a Fighter's Guild building. I sure hope I'll be able to pull that one soon.

Sorry, I started rambling. Your insight is invaluable and I think we both think alike. Now I have a canvas and I should have plenty of time to implement missing parts for combat trip. Bugs will be ironed out, new paths will be unlocked, new NPCs gonna show up and I hope I won't have to rush next one, but to be honest, preDD time is the most motivating time for me.
