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This was such a fun (and creepy) visual novel! 

Y'all always do such a great job with the horror games, and it was nice to see a yandere-themed game with no romance. 


That being said... Mr. Hemlock is quite a creepy character. I loved that he was not human (although, whether it was all in Lucy's mind or not, I still couldn't quite ascertain despite Mr. Hemlock claiming it was real each time, and if it was actually real did the other teachers know?)

Even as a regular human, he did have a rather unsettling air about him. He seemed nice enough, but I was for sure with Lucy on the fact that there was just something kind of wrong about him. 

As a monster, however, he was very eerie. His design was fabulous and I loved the branch-like appearance to the appendages on his head and his long fingers. Hell he even looks a bit like he could be made of wood(is that why his name is Mr. Hemlock, or is that just a coincidence?) 
Plus the writing for his lines were definitely enough to give me goosebumps. 

Lucy, too, is an excellent character. She is relatable in quite a few ways, and I honestly felt really bad for her. While she seems to be trapped with Mr. Hemlock in one way or another, I hold out hope that she ultimately escapes. 
Although it really does beg the question - why her? Why did he choose her? (But that comes around again to... is it real or all in her head?)

You all really did a great job with this!
I'm looking forward to your subsequent games, as well! Keep up the good work.