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Hey thanks! I think that options are indeed a bit weird, maybe you could do something like buddies or helpers? I noticed they do collision damage too, awesome! Power and magnet are fine yeah, but if you want it to be more thematic, maybe you could do something like cannon and lookout? idk. If the score works differently, then how does it work?

I realized shortly after I posted what you were talking about with the constantly increasing score -- this was originally intended to be a "survival" score of sorts, so you would be rewarded for staying alive longer. If it diminishes the satisfaction of the game however it's something I'll need to go back and revisit.

I discovered a couple of bugs that need sorting out anyway so I may end up revamping how scoring works a bit.

Aah i see, that is a cool idea, but i think you should have a normal score for enemy kills and medals on top of that