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The work you've put into Silent Kingdom is stunnning. I cannot wait for the new CGIs! 

I would suggest leaving up the demo because that way, people can get a taste for your game without buying it. On steam, if people buy your game and then refund, you *still owe Steam its 30% cut!!!* So you will lose money if people refund your game!

Of course, there's no way to keep all people from refunding your game but if you have a demo up, then some people might choose to play your game and just not buy/refund it if they don't like it for whatever reason. So it gives you a little extra barrier against a high refund rate (which again, is a pain because Steam will take its 30% cut even on refunded purchases). 

And thanks also for the shout-out to the amazing games in our bundle. I am so thrilled to be partnering up with you this summer to show our beautiful games off!

EEEEH? REALLY?? O_O I didn't know that about Steam! How can that be legal? That's very disturbing ;;;

In any case, I wasn't planning to remove the demo from steam. I would just update it to 1.0, so the current alpha version would be lost forever. That's why I thought I could keep the Alpha version on as a memory of how everything started ^^ The differences between both versions are quite noticeable.

You're very welcome! It's me who thanks you for organising this awesome event. I'm honoured to participate~