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(1 edit)

*garbled noise of bravado* Very rad game! Made it to the boss fight, got 2 sails destroyed and then I think I died? Really enjoyed the world yall created, the characters and the atmosphere. I appreciated the voice acting and the 2D character art is beautiful. I was reminded of playing Echo the Dolphin as a kid. I've never tried anything in 3D in GMS2 so this was very cool to see. I had a few bugs with enemies not dying properly, but I used the Kill all Enemies command to proceed. And I would recommend raising the HUD higher on the screen, the dialogue box hides the health bar, which was really a problem during the boss fight lol. And I don't think I saw the lemon theme incorporated? But overall great work!!

(1 edit)

Hey thank you for playing, and for your detailed feedback! Good point about the hud, that one's on me haha. As for the lemon, the mermaid's fish half is a lemon shark! Look them up, they're neat :) One of the dialogue lines while swimming down the tunnel mentions it. We figured that it would be enough to qualify as a "hint" of lemon, haha.

Regarding the boss, if you died it should have respawned you before the fight, but I think there's an issue with that checkpoint specifically. I'll have to investigate what happens there. Not sure what you mean by some enemies not dying properly, but they do also do some weird things sometimes where they chase you way too fast, so it might be a bug i haven't personally discovered yet

As for 3D, it can be complicated, but there's a really good tutorial series by dragonitespam on youtube, it's really comprehensive! Most of how this game works was possible due to those videos.

Ohh lemon shark my bad, no i heard the line and just did not make the connection lol! Yeah the character design is great! For the boss, yeah I think I respawned, the boss dialogue line played, but the boss did not spawn.  And what I mean with the enemies is a couple times an enemy would get "stuck" and stop moving where I could still see it, but not shoot or interact with it, and therefore not be able to defeat all enemies and remove the boulder to get the next area. But then hitting the Delete command would clear them, trigger the next dialogue line and allow me to proceed


Oh I see! Thank you for letting me know :) yeah for the boss, I think loading checkpoint 5 while in the main menu actually works as opposed to dying to it, if you want to give it another shot lol. But either way, thanks again for the feedback!