Is there a reason for the change in controls from the standard RPG maker setup? It doesn't feel very intuitive.
In the standard arrows with shift, z and x you have 1 hand to move and the other sits on run, action and cancel/menu.
Alternatively you can usually use arrows with enter and shift just left of your hand(or just above on some laptops) and insert on the number pad for cancel/menu under your pinky allowing convenience for single handed play as you only ever need to move 1 finger from its default position.
This applies to both qwerty and azerty keyboards.
With your control setup wasd to move works fine with space and shift for single handed controls on a qwerty keyboard as far as action and movement is concerned (although space bars can be a bit iffy on some keyboards). Escape however requires moving your entire hand away from position to press.
Wasd with enter is fine for doing things with 2 hands but escape still requires moving 1 hand away from position.
With arrows to move enter and shift are okay to reach but you still have that escape key at the opposite corner of the keyboard.
Escape is fine as a menu key but as a cancel key it feels to me the most inconvenient key on the keyboard.