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Glad youre enjoying it! yes, I plan on the next update having the ability to have inclines and declines, and I also have a model ready for a railroad bridge section

your amazing and your definitely kicking out some cool mods. Keep up the awesome work. Farm sim needs guys like you. Thank you again 

Thanks a bunch! I really appreciate that. Glad you are enjoying them. I added incline /decline tracks as well as a bridge in the update I posted the day before yesterday, check them out if you havent already!

Yes you can tie into the in-game tracks, just use the Map Object Hider mod to hide a section of the in game tracks, then place a placeable switch, then use the straight sections of track to tie back into the in-game tracks. Just watch out that youre not on the mainline when the in game train comes thru!

one more question. I haven’t tried yet but I was wondering if your tracks could somehow tie in to the in game track system?

Hello, yes you can tie them into the in game track. If you use the map object hider mod, you can hide a section of the in game track. Then place a switch from my pack and use the straight pieces to tie it back into the in game track!