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For the variables, I just use 3 main things...
1- Set the variables (such as: when key is pressed, on proximity, on hit etc - set variable "whatever" =1)
2- Set conditions/variable combinations (such as: if w=1, if s=0, set variable "jump" =1)
3- Event Loops (such as: every few seconds 100ms, if "jump"=1, do action hide object.)

With these 3 things, you can make coppercube do anything - but it gets confusing trying to work everything out - just because the coppercube interface GUI only allows you to work/see a few lines (actions/behaviours) at a time - you constantly have to click open/close windows to see your visual-noncode-scripting - but GUEST made 3 plugins for me, which make non-code a lot easier to do...

For the doors to work in a game, just import the door-scene into your game and it should work without any extra setup - it just uses the active camera proximity to open the door. On the ambiera forum, someone made a door plugin too so you can use that if mine is too much hassle or doesn't work.

where is the door plugin u have it by chance

I don't have it, I looked everywhere on the forum and for it and can't find it there either - maybe I was wrong and there is no plugin for doors in coppercube? If you ask on the ambiera forum, someone will probably make a door plugin for you as it would be very simple for them to code...

why do i exactly ask

If you just post a question as a guest on the ambiera forum, asking can someone make a door plugin for your game.

ok thx