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What's your favorite kind of tea, guys? 



I taste it and now I'm feeling kinda funny


yeah! it does make ya feel a little funky, but its good for you. contains a lot of antioxidants, provides some relief to intestinal cramps and headaches.
the funny feeling also helps reduce anxiety :3, it's a very slight high that goes away.

its not something that is supposed to be had every day, rather every other day or such.


I can't feel my legs for a week now...

I never knew catnip tea was a thing till I looked it up.  As someone who suffers from severe anxiety, this could prove to be incredibly helpful.  The only issue I know I'd have with it is smell.  I have gotten catnip for my cats before, and I don't like the smell.  Any suggestion for something to mix it with to get rid of the smell?

Not really, though when made into the tea form the smell is less potent. It does taste similar to how it smells.

(1 edit)

Unfortunately that might not be for me then.  My brother might get some use from it though.  He doesn't mind the smell of catnip.  I'll still give it a try though.