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The audio is stuttering/crackling for me and yes, tossing coins slows the game to a crawl. Also the levers are janky to move. Maybe the concept could be more interesting if there was actually more of a intend I could put into tossing/placing the coins, although that kind of defeats the idea of a coin pusher.

>The audio is stuttering/crackling for me and yes, tossing coins slows the game to a crawl.

Yep, this is something I definitely didn't expect to be so bad, but I'm going to spend some time trying to make it better, but it might just be untenable in godot.  

Thanks for playing, sorry it's in a barely playable state.

>could be more interesting if there was actually more of a intend I could put into tossing/placing the coins

You can adjust the angle/power with the levers, but as you said the controls are bad and it's hard to do with the lag.  Hope I can fix this up so the gameplay experience is a lot smoother.

Thanks for playing the demo, even in such a janky state!