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Really interesting game. Harvesting large combos is surprisingly satisfying (still haven't gotten an entire row or column yet though).

For some reason I found the menu do be kinda unresponsive and difficult to navigate, but that's probably just me being dumb. Also when you're using a tool, it would be useful if the number of remaining uses for that tool were displayed somewhere. But those are my only criticisms. Other than that, this is a really great game!


Also when you’re using a tool, it would be useful if the number of remaining uses for that tool were displayed somewhere.

I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING! Gonna add this after the jam, as it feels more like an update than a bugfix, totally valid criticism, wanted it as well, just forgor …

Glad you are enjoying it, if you are interested in cool seeds and full lines, look into 27108, should have a nice setup for you to tinker around (one of the best seeds the community found, yet)