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thats strange, did you somehow shrink the window

thats the default on 1920x1080. the text always overlaps dont play

Are you somehow going full screen with it? It’s never like that for me

this is what it looks like for me too

can you give any info on your browser or system settings? I'm also on 1920 x 1080 and it doesn't look like that. Hopefully it's not also affecting the gameplay for you

I'm on 1920 x 1080 but I think I may know the reason
If you do ctrl +     or ctrl -   It changes the zoom settings for any browser. Try zooming in/out and the text size should adjust too

Ahh that's exactly the issue. Meant to be played at 100% zoom

So weird, even when I close my browser and reopen, and scroll to 100% zoom it still acts like this. Happens on both my 1440p and my 1080p monitors

dang, im sorry.  I don't know what the issue could be. Does any other zoom amount make it better?

(1 edit)

Lol 250% zoom is ultra wide screen

but yea 125% zoom fixed it for me