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I looked at your latest version of the game. Please tell me, how did you make grass and water? Thank you in advance.

Hi - the grass is a free 3d model from itch..., I converted to md3 with free noesis software... Water is just animated texture (I can't remember where I got it from), basically, just 7 images animated in efpse settings. A better, tileable-seamless water animation is here (link below), you can split the water frames using ezgif...  

Understood. Thank you for the clarification.

You're welcome. Let me know if you want anything - I can upload the model file or the separate animation frames. I might start a page for eFPSe assets, textures, models, sprites, animated effects etc. people could request assets and I can add them there for free.

Thank you. I tried to do everything on my own and everything worked out. Thanks again for the help!

You're welcome. Glad you got it all working.