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(1 edit)

Uhhh i hate to bring the bad news but this is still a ting unfortuantly. This time i can give some more  precise information on what went down. There is a thing were if you pick up a cross at the same time a heretic steps on a PB ad gets smited the PB tile is kept during the "hey am a big bad boi boss so am gonna clear all ur placed tiles" thing. This is precisely what happend here. exept i did not get the cross. Fortunatly it seems you are on the right track since it seems it is connected to heretics. 

Side note: I saw youre response regarding the double score potion. I agree that is is balanced to be a one time thing. With brew mastery (i think thats what is what its called) and 5 extra slots you could theoreticly get 4^8= 65536 times your score in like 3 seconds. That would be kinda broken. Spamming chaos brew in late game to get these potions is prob the best strat rn


Hmm, are you sure you played the updated version? I guess it's impossible to say for sure unless you happened to notice the version number on the start menu. Because I for sure fixed one source for this cross get failure happening and can't spot why otherwise it would happen and can't make it happen myself anymore.

Ok that could be the case. I might not have refreshed the tab or something like that. Thanks

Also, do you know what this second icon from the start is?

From the other options and the amount of stuff I guess it must be this. Wonder why it's showing up different for you...

And do those empty gaps (or misplaced icons) happen a lot for you? I thought I had already managed to tackle that issue.

(2 edits)

Yes it is indeed Smite. It might be about playing on cromebook. The Contrite icon (kinda funny, have never even seen my favorite power up lol) is always missing as well. The other things only show up when claming a lot of hats and scarfs

Question: Can you recive the same scarf and had twice from chest or do they not re appear when you already have them?

Huh, that's weird. I've seen some very slight differences in other people screenshots (and I guess that is due to different machines having different fonts) but weird how it's like completely different and other one is even missing...

And yes, you can get hat and scarf dupes. They're always completely random with random properties such as colors and scarf length etc. Unless of course playing daily where the same item is the same for everyone.

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First of all. Contrite icon i a cool guy with glasses. Thats all i need to know.

Second. Yes it might be about fonts. My Indian friend mensioned that the symbols used here belong to a town near where he was born so thats kinda cool.

Edit: Now that i think about is its definetly about different fonts on different devices. My friend Dalex (hes also here somewere in the discussion feed) has mentioned how Smite is different on Pc 

Correct! All icons are actually different.. As you know, LMS, contrite's icon is missing on Chromebook devices. Additionally; the icons for a majority of the red relics are much smaller on Android devices. The circles that are a part of the green relics are also way larger on those devices.

But yeah, that's just how the fonts are made. It's quite fun however to discover these differences across different devices! What do you think? :)