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How would I revisit the Halloween event without going to a previous save? I've done a lot since then and I hadn't gotten the movie till later.

(1 edit)

If you bought the Lady Box already, you can just talk to her at hour 21 when she is in her room. If you haven't bought it yet you can use your phone on Halloween morning and call to Leto's Shop with your phone to order the Halloween costume (Lady Box).

I have done the part of the event with Daisy, I was referring to Kurona's . I hadn't acquired the movie from Theo till after Halloween had passed. And it's been a while.

I assume watching the movie on Halloween should do the trick.
From the character hints: Watch the movie in Callum's room on Halloween -> After 7 days, go to sleep with Coffee in inventory (Convenience Store)

How often is Halloween in game? Is it random, or every x amount of days?

It is always on day 30.

Thank you