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(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback, we had a lot of fun to while making it too! Regarding the bug, I tried the maze minigame a few dozen times, and rechecked the code, and I couldn't reproduce it, so no idea what could be causing it.


I was wrong it's not about spawning inside the wall, it seems that if you hold right while you open up the maze minigame that allows you to walk thru walls. Here's a video of it if that helps!


Oh, that makes total sense now. The screw uses RayCast2D to check for walls, and raycasts only update their state during physics frames. What ends up happening is the screw gets spawned, immediately receives input on first frame, checks for a wall, finds none (because raycast has not been updated yet), and moves into the wall. Should be fixable by a force updating raycasts.
Big thanks for the testing, appreciate it!