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(2 edits) (+32)


Idc if you scroll or read, I just want to get something off my chest.

I've been a supporter of Jenny's work. So, I went into this game with a bias that it was going to be really good due to past experiences with Jenny's games.

However, as I read the comments criticize how terribly written this game is, the more I realize how right they are.

I wanted to defend Jenny at first, and thought those commenters were just exaggerating it. (No offense to those people.) 

But they're right. This game basically lures you in with the cute themes and an attractive protagonist and then crushes all of that right in front of you in just a few frames. As if that's not enough, Jenny guilt trips you with the 'If this game doesn't get XYZ number of ratings, you can kiss your sweet Zilas goodbye' move. (Which I didn't even realize she did until I researched a little more because I stopped playing after I got the suicide ending.)

Digging deeper, I found comments that talked about how badly executed the mental health representation was. (That's an entirely new can of worms that I'm not gonna get into. This comment is already super long.)

The aftermath of all of this has made me feel ignorant and stupid. Like I've been purposefully looking at this game through rose-tinted glasses.

It's essentially when you find out your favorite artist/celebrity is actually a terrible person and you feel bad for not realizing it sooner.

And I can only hope that Jenny learns from this and grow into a better person.

But the fact that she was deleting comments that were criticizing the game tells me that's not gonna happen.


I’m not sure if you want comments but I’m not going to pity you, but agree with what you’re saying. I also looked up to Jenny and have followed her for about 2 years and I thought this was going to be one of those things I would like, knowing I like both dating and horror games, and even with the warnings (though hidden) I still played because I loved her projects or stuff she helped with. Actually, I had a lot of negative feelings about this game before anyone commented because I played pretty early on and I thought it was just me who felt like it was sloppily and clumsily done and didn’t say anything due to fear and just feeling terrible for even thinking about criticizing my favorite creator and thinking I had my rose tinted glasses on as well, a lot like you. I just feel very disappointed? A lot of my criticism comes from a place of passion as a person with depression and maybe that’s why I felt so awful after playing and how it was portrayed. I didn’t feel like Jenny listened to me or her audience by deleting our criticism when a lot of us actually came from places of good faith because we all hope she makes good projects and look forward to her releases, which is maybe why I feel pretty bitter about this whole thing. Thanks for sharing how you felt and I relate a lot to what you experienced as someone who also looked up to her. But with game devs and idols you never really know who they are or what they are like outside of their projects.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm glad to know that i'm not alone here, it makes me feel better.I read a lot of your comments and replies while researching and you inspired me to write this post

I love horror visual novels, and play them quite frequently, so I was excited knowing one of my favorite developers made one. 

Like you, I feel disappointed because, if executed correctly, this could be a really good game. 

I know that I have no way of knowing who Jenny is outside of her works but still, I have this guility feeling of wishing I had known.


I agree with you. That was my experience and this was my first exposure to her work.

I went in blind before this page was revamped and got the unalive ending. It was such a shock because of how abruptly the tone changed. There was lack of foreshadowing as well.

I can handle horror but I think the warnings should’ve been more visible so others don’t get the genre of game wrong. Otherwise people with delicate sensibilities towards certain topics will get exposed them in the game anyway in a much more shocking manner which is a worse surprise.

I don’t think I’ll trust this creator’s games in the future because of how this was handled.


I agree with the fact that content warnings should be more obvious than just a hidden section in the description

I play a LOT of visual novels that have sensitive topics, and personally it doesn't bother me. But I see how it might affect someone who has experienced it IRL.

Especially with this game where it just throws it in your face all of a sudden 

I've played a few VNs where you agree that you are aware of the content warnings contained before even playing the game and I think Jenny should have at least done that much.