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(1 edit)

dude love this mod i have build snap only problem i have is they never line up perfict it seems to jump to one side or the other i over lap because of this so it works but they are off a tiny bit it would be cool if it was like the fence maybe put a snap on the rail ends if possibal so easy line up. i know WIP or Idea to slops and bridges  build snap off works best for me 

yeah if you are building at an angle across the map it won’t always line up well. Yes I have plans for a “fence” track as well as inclines and declines and bridges!

cool hey sorry but found a small problem with concert crossing even when i place it perfect it derails train if you can make center wider for wheels  and idea can you add color to the walls of rerailer so i can see it when placeing it dont know how many times i got stuck or hit the invisabal wall with train lol so far awsome work  and can you add a trigger that detcts the train for crossing gards. sorry full of ideas for this mod