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We're still working on it.  ó_ò

I feel a bit shy. (´-﹏-`;)

We're aiming for around the first week of May since we're working on the Expansion and Low Specs at the same time. (;´Д`)

That’s okay, don’t feel weird about it! I am sure you are working hard on it and it’ll be worth the wait!

I hope the lo specs version is out any day now!

Yeah, you said don't feel weird, which makes me shy. ó_ò

But we are sure we are working hard on it.  (︶^︶)

Just updated about the Lancelot expansion and we are also working on Low specs. 

Hope it helps! :3

that’s alright- hope we get to see it soon! Take care of yourselves and looking forward to the release of the lo specs version!

No update on the low specs version yet? :(

Not at the moment, but we will get back to it as soon as possible.

We just released our previous game, Dik Journey, on Steam and announced the update for the Lancelot expansion. Our team is currently busy with various tasks, including commissioning and coding for the low-specs version. >_<

still waiting for the lo specs version- been two months since you said it was almost done :/