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I'm a huge fan of all your work, Christian, with Apocrypha being something I use for almost every adventure I run with my friends! Got a question for you though, regarding the Half-Troll. How exactly are they created? The wording is a little vague and my friend and I are curious...


Fun fact: (I think) Johan Nohr came up with that. For fun, I tagged the Mörk Borg Twitter account with the picture of the half-troll and asked how they are made. I believe "when a half-dead troll with a belly full of half-dead humans gets a chance to heal" was pretty much the verbatim answer :D So in my mind, when a troll swallows a human alive and only has a few HP left, they fuse to become a half-troll.

Oh yeah, I found the Tweet:

"Half-trolls are made when a half-dead troll with a belly full of half-dead human get a chance to heal. It’s not pretty."


Another way to interpret this is that the half-dead troll then poops out the half-dead human, who is now half-troll, making it even more gross...


Perfection! :D