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If you could check on my project, and give me some feedback about the mechanic that I applied.I would appreciate that so much

(1 edit)

I played it again some things I noticed.

  • There is a small typo in your tutorial text. It say "holing space" instead of "holding space" in one spot.
  • Going up and down to gain momentum is a bit counter-intuitive and I was never sure if I was doing it right.
    • A bigger issue is that this  is only explained once at the very start of the game, but you don't need it for the first or second level, so lots of players will forget about it before it comes up. You might want to save this tip for a latter level and then require the player to do it at the very start.
  • I couldn't beat the 3ed level despite a number of attempts.
    • Always resetting at the start of the level starts to get annoying after awhile, given how slow the character moves.

Well thanks for your time, it helps to improve as a game dev.

No problem.