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Stranded in Space

You wake up on a spaceship filled only with women travelling to another planet, unaware of how you got there. · By Wildman Dev

Questions about Stranded in Space

A topic by Wildman Dev created Jan 22, 2022 Views: 24,155 Replies: 240
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any idea on the next update?


For Itch I'm still not entirely sure, but Day 17 should be out by the end of the month, and Day 18 sometime in June.

Bro why isn't day 14 and above available for us android users bro u literally cliff hanged me at day 13 now am busy wondering who was that mysterious woman 

I would actually really love to pay for it if it  was available but that's another problem my county doesn't use dollar's , so I don't know how u can help me man I really need to know what happens next I've never been so excited about a game like before , please try to hit me up as soon as u get this much love 


Day 14-16 is available for Android users, is there something wrong with the download or something?

i think something is wrong cause it's not available for me 

please i really need the update man try and do something about it 

could day 14 - 16 be in the official android version .


In the downloads, it's titled: Stranded in Space Days 1-16 Endurance Android.apk

I can't seem to find it bro 

Don't worry about it I've seen it thanks man 


will Day 17 be available soon or are you planning on dropping both days together?

I know with all the uncertainty going off with Itch, this is going to be the last thing on your mind.  But if you can't post future updates on here, or even decide not to, can you look into how people who have paid for the game already can continue to get the updates?


Definitely. I'm currently in the process of finalizing everything on Steam; I'm hoping some of the Itch audience translates over there, as the systems won't be all that dissimilar in terms of accessing content with new updates.


if use steam is it still possible for android version?


I don't think Steam supports Android version, but I'm not gonna stop releasing it for Android.

Steam doesn't support Android as a platform.

It's possible they'd be OK with you putting up the Android version as a free-for-purchasers downloadable extra (as some games do with soundtracks, art, etc), but I suspect they'll say no. I've never seen a game on steam do that, and I doubt I'm the first person to think of it. Plus I've already thought of a couple of problems with it, so yeah, I don't think that's happening.

will there be anymore days after day 16?


Day 17 is up on my Patreon already, and first iteration of Stranded in Space will have a total of 21 days.

sweet thx for letting me know 

will this game no longer be supported on itch? I guess, I mean, the paid version? This was the first game I ever bought here, and it was kind of cool getting the slightly earlier release. I cannot afford patreon, but I want the new updates, are there other options? I could be wrong, as I cannot read the posts, but day 17 is out? Oh, and I am not posting for sympathy or guilt, itch screwed up, not you, so I just want to know if there is another one shot pay route .


Well, on September 1st I'll be releasing the game on Steam. It'll have Days 1-18, Elysium edition. Buying it will provide future days as free updates, of course. If you wishlisted it, I'd really appreciate it.

Stranded in Space on Steam (

I am an android player, does steam help me? I have never used steam, so I know nothing about it


In does not. I'm not abandoning the Android version, though. We'll figure something out.

Will day 18 be released for Android?


Of course. Right now, I'm focused on the Steam release of Days 1-18, but Android will always be supported.

(1 edit)

Hello. I have a question. Does it have a good/evil path planned with the game choices (it affects the history ending in a moral way)? I think some are more negative than others. Like Helping Zara is "better" then just getting bjs. Helping Elsie with religion seems "better" too. And when I choose Haley it seems more negative then choosing Ariel.

I'm asking that also bc the MC have a dark past and wanted to be better but we didn't saw everything that occurs in the amnesia year. Some are good, some are bad things. So maybe the choices affects if he continues the dark path or not at the end?... 

Also a great game. And that possibility makes me tense an anxious  (in a good way). Thank you for bringing this art to everyone. Cheers!


The incoming major choices that are left in the first game (Stranded in Space) are situational (or case by case), meaning you can freely choose which path to take when the time comes. The flashbacks and the way the MC acted throughout his amnesia year aren't just for backstory, though. It all has a purpose.

I'd describe it like, "Hey, this is who the MC was during his amnesia year. Do you enjoy this version of him?" If so, then make the decisions that lead him to being a bit more like his amnesia-year self if a major choice allows for such a distinction, which some do, and some future ones will, too.

The history ending, as you mention it, has a future major choice attached to it, it's just not influenced by any other major choices you've made.

Hey Wildman! A question regarding the Elysium scenes ... If I already played through 16 days, what would be the best way to see those Elysium exclusive scenes? I assume replaying the game, but at what point/day do they start? Maybe I still got an old save to save some time.


Well, playing them from the main menu will work. I only added that warning because you open to a scene with you and Paige talking about stuff that would be super confusing if you were a first time user.

The scenes begin on Day 9, but you could definitely just play them from the main menu. The last scene naturally occurs on day 17.

Oh, I wasn't aware you could just start them from the main menu. Thanks!

when can we expect the next update?


It'll be on Steam/Patreon in a few days.

(1 edit)

I got a question about Steam that (to my surprise) I couldn't find someone ask:
When I go to Steam via the direct link here, there always appears that message:

Oops, sorry!

An error was encountered while processing your request:

This item is currently unavailable in your region

Is there anyway around it? Is the game going to be available in more regions, soon?
I bought the game: Will I get more updates?

TY for one of the best if not the best adult game I ever played!


Are you in Germany? I think that's the only country that doesn't work well with Steam.

Oh shit! It's a "busted!" feeling when an internet stranger can tell your country cause something isn't working.

try a VPN and hop over to your friendly dutch neighbour. we got all the cookies ( and stranded in space is on my wishlist ) 

I never used a VPN before. Is this the only solution?

So, with the Steam release (and Itch's new policy regarding adult games), I assume we won't be seeing further content updates here?

Is any kind of steam key or compensation possible for those of us that bought it here, or would that shaft you too much as well?


No more content updates on Itch; have you joined the Discord? I've given out around 400 keys so far. Most are for longtime supporters + people who've bought the Elysium version over the last few updates, but I don't like that Itch players are missing out. It really wasn't in my plans to stop updating on Itch.

Looking through my purchases, I paid 5 bucks at some point of the day 12/13 update. I think that is/was only the Endurance version, no? So I'll simply have to re-buy it on Steam then, is what it is  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Was going to ask about this myself, as I bought the Elysium version on here for $15 earlier in the year.  I don't want to screw you over though, as I know the itch issue did that enough by their actions alone

If I buy the steam version do I lose my game progress?


Nope, it'll all transfer over.

will there be anymore updates to the android version and if so, how can we get them of you cant update the itch version?


My Patreon will always have the Android version. I may upload the finished Android version here on Itch, but I'm talking Days 1-21.

ok thank you. i was worried id have to start over

How many days are there total ?

I played 1-18 when i get left days game for Android


On my Patreon and Steam there are 18 days in total released as of right now. I'm currently working on Day 19. There will be 21 days in total for this first game. 

so ... for those of us who bought it here on itch almost a year ago.. we were wasting our time? not even a steam key? i paid for a demo version? a sample?


I would've loved to keep the game updated on Itch. Sadly, due to Itch's actions against me and my game, I can't. Sorry.

Thank you for the development/release update . . . 21 days in total . . . (sigh) I guess I have to be patient for the development and release of the final 3 days. I had so many plot thoughts while playing the game. I first found the game in Itch but I'm also on Steam.

How many days total in the game is planned?


21 for the first game.

Got it. So you plan on continuing the story in another game?


Yeah, the 21st Day will be Pandora's arrival. Beyond that is the aftermath.

Can not wait to hit day 21. On the next iteration, will you be dropping 1 day at a time or will releases be in multiple days?


The days keep getting longer, so likely one at a time, though nothing is set in stone.

I just finished stranded in space. And the 21 days of of additional content didn’t unlock. I’m playing on steam.

will u update it on lewdzone?

when is the next update coming?

Hii, just wandering for spoilers. I am too scared to make Regan pregnant and lose someone important to me... but the pregnancy is just too fun to be avoided... so, can I know who I'm going to lose if I get Regan pregnant?


That Major Decision is for future pregnancy content, it doesn't lose you anything.

when is the next update coming out?!


Hopefully, the first half of Day 19 is coming in April.

How can i become ishani in her test

Please help me. How can I install the patch. Does it have to be unpacked and copied in a certain folder


In the 'game' folder, yes.

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