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Very cool entry!

I really love the look and art design of this. Quite well put together especially between the background, foreground and characters. 

Controls and movement are pretty good. I think combat is decent also, enemies just need better AI. I came across a couple of bugs, I'm sure you are fairly aware. The main ones are that the turrets and jetpack guys don't seem to die; their health goes negative but they stay alive. The jetpack guys' bombs seem to be scaled a bit too large too.

There was a place kind of near the beginning to the right of the map where I fell into a room and had to reload the game because I don't think that there is a way out.

Saying all of that, I enjoyed playing this! Not sure if there is an end because once you ascend up some there are A LOT of enemies lol

Really like the story and story premise too. Kinda switching around things :)