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This seems like a VERY nicely made game and I love the concept but had to restart twice before reaching an ending due to some issues.

If you are interested, I found some bugs that you might want to look at:

- In my first playthrough, at the point where I had to go to the back room, the locked door did not open (I think it might have something to do with me loading the third laundry basket into my car? But I am not sure), I assumed I needed a key until I realised otherwise upon restarting.

- I ventured out into the world a little and found that nothing has collision and you just fall through the map into the void.

- The interaction range extends across the entire launderette so you can summon coins/laundry etc from very far away by clicking on them (which ruined one of the scares a little!). I was even able to read a note inside the backroom from the outside through the window!

- The Y-axis is not clamped for head movement so if you move your mouse up or down too far you can turn your vision upside down.

Easy fixes all in all, and the fundamentals are great, I'd love to see more from you in future as the feel of the game was really good :)


Thank you so much for playing and for reporting these bugs! I just uploaded a fix for all of them except the locked door -- still trying to figure out how you got that to happen! I will keep an eye out for it!


I just played through version 1.1, amazing work! Everything seems great now! :)

I tried replicating the locked door thing a few times but couldn't get it to happen again so I have no idea, haha!

Congrats on the game!


Thank you so much for trying to reproduce the bug again and for checking the updated version!