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(1 edit)

You are here :). Glad you had fun! As for player spawning, I gave it a safe zone where no enemies can spawn, most likely you die from a bullet, as there is a range of randomness at which interval the rangers can shoot, and if unlucky, the ranger frequency will be too high, and that means a lot of bullets in your direction :). But maybe it really was crossed at the appearance, as you could see from the credits, there was no tester in the team :D.

I hope you tried to complete the game completely, there are 9 levels :D.

But there is a nuance, if the game window is small, then the appearance of enemies is limited to the visible camera, that is, the game screen and the player's safe zone, in this case, the enemies will have nowhere to appear as soon as they are closer to the player, violating his personal space). But this is a completely different story :D.