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First, I really liked the end screen you added that displays the final stats especially . 

  • Did the resource-gathering system feel intuitive and enjoyable?

 I thought it was pretty intuitive, perhaps not the most enjoyable because it got slightly tedious for me , but I was thinking one thing that might make it a bit more interesting for me at least would be to add more stats / numbers appearing on the screen as recourses are gathered. 

  • Did the dynamic wave system feel intuitive and enjoyable?

I thought the dynamic wave system was pretty interesting but i also agree with other people in the comments here that it is a little bit slow and slightly confusing, I think i might prefer a slightly faster pace , but perhaps that is just my preference. 

Great job so far, i think this game is awesome so far!!

As far as bugs / suggestions, I would agree with one of the comments here that suggested a menu options to adjust volume, perhaps you could have other things to adjust that the user can control as well on here.  However, the choice of music and sfx were really awesome especially the forrest  / nature sfx