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After managing to find all the groups, I sort of realized I never built anything other than the basic vehicle you build at the start, so I never really tested any modules out at all.  My main issue (other than the camera being in too close) was there was no moment-to-moment gameplay other than driving; the enemies weren't quite threatening enough to need to engage with, and the combat itself was sort of a chore of drive-away-turn-around-shoot-drive-away.  I loved the art, but a lack of audio gave me the silence heebee-jeebees.  I would have loved some basic vroom-vroom sounds, a little ditty, and the people shouting for help in the distance.

I know it sounds like I'm tearing your game apart, I don't mean to. I DID like the writing and characters, I just felt like it was really close to something I would have enjoyed much more with a few small tweaks.  All said, a great effort for just one week of dev, and congrats on finishing!  Thanks for giving me a game to play :)


Thanks, and I 100% agree on all your points!
Enemies were one of the items I was furiously working on the last day of the jam, and it barely qualifies as one, but I think I have a bit better idea of the scope I can handle in 9 days now.

I'm planning to change the Body's to rotate to follow mouse movement after the game jam is over, as like you said, the combat is atrocious in its current state and I'm hoping that'll make it a lot better. That, or I'll fiddle with the movement overall.

Thank you so much for playing, I appreciate it!