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Thanks for the submission! I appreciate those who went the forge route instead of the forge route, and this game was a good example of that. I'm quite impressed with how you were able to actually get the score to work (I'm having a hard time coming up with a good solution at all), and it seemed to actually work quite well. I agree that it would have been great with a bit more art and music, but time gets the better of all of us in the end.

Thank you for the kind words! The score is calculated by using specific "control" points that's generated when the word is displayed (each word is taken from a huge list of like 2000 names, the full name is shown on screen but the control points are very few and are generated dynamically). Then we find the closest drawn point to any control point, find the distance between, and add this up for all control points. It's a little more complicated than this in reality but that's the gist of it! Thanks again for playing!