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I was super confused at first about how to enter the robot thing - I thought after I bought the gun attachment I would be able to press Q to enter it, but you have to make a complete robot to enter it at all! I feel like it would be more fun and more customisable if you were still able to enter the robot regardless, but the extra parts just improved its capabilities :) I think the camera could be zoomed out a bit when you're in the robot, because it's quite hard to get a sense of where you are - although I GREATLY appreciated the little compass marker that points you back to base!


The "Zoom out when in bot" was one of the features that were planned and I just didn't make in time - I was also planning little floating icons to show what was missing on an incomplete bots so it was hopefully more obvious why it wasn't working, but I definitely over-scoped the project ^_^;;

I like the idea of just being able to drive it regardless of it's completion state better, though. Maybe a button for toggling between "Construction" and "Driveable" modes? Or have a specific spot on the forge for driving in an unfinished robot to edit it? I may have to tinker with some more features after the jam's voting is over :)

Thank you so much for playing the game!