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(1 edit) (+1)

Great tutorial, did its job to help me understand the game and the narrative as I usually try to just jump straight in and see what I understand. I laughed out loud when I died in the tutorial and had to start it again, thinking “this person can’t be taught”. I liked that the different transformations offered a trade-off for attack/defence abilities. I found myself feeling somewhat cheated after a string of successes and then insta-death after 1 missed dodge. Perhaps a health-counter would address that but also it’s a difficult game which isn’t necessarily a problem.

Thank you for the comment.

I'm very glad that the tutorial was helpful. I had spent quite a bit of time on that, as it was very important to me that players not feel lost.

I tend to agree that death happens too quickly. Originally I had planned for the ship to take damage when hit, but I ended up simplifying things greatly since the initial design phase. Nearer to the end of development I was contemplating giving the ship some armor so it could take some hits as you suggested. Perhaps this feature deserves a revisit, along with some balancing.