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This was a great little game! Really fun story and I loved the sound effects, really good with the rain outdoors and indoors! I couldn't figure out how to not drink the damn coffee, I tried 4 times! Spooky and tense, I recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow!

Thank you so much for the kind words and excellent video playthrough!

Dodging the coffee is tricky and not very obvious if I'm honest! I'll give a clue, there are 3 'discoveries' (things to click on) that lead to changed dialogue when questioning the man (you got 2 of them in your video!). It requires all 3 for your character to be as suspicious as you were haha!

A warning though, even after finding a way to avoid the coffee it is possible to suffer the same fate...

Although the endings are nice little treats, the game doesn't lend itself well to replayability IMO so I wouldn't worry about it too much.